Before listening therapy starts an initial examination and detailled briefing happens, independent to the later treatment.
The initial examination contains:
- Initial listening test, inclusive a detailed briefing
- Anamnesis (biography)
- Defining the treatment goal
The listening therapy
One is listening to an individuall programme based on the listening test and depending on ones individuell problems.
Duration and procedure of regular scheme
The treatment is extended over a minimum of three phases (according the guidelines by Prof. Alfred Tomatis):
- Initial listening therapy of 14 days, 2 hours daily – break of 5 to 7 weeks.
- Follow up listening therapy of 7 days, 2 hours daily – break of 5 to 7 weeks.
- More follow up listening therapy of 7 days, 2 hours daily – break of 5 to 7 weeks until the goal has been reached.
During listening therapy, listening tests are performed at regular intervals in order to plan subsequent therapy.
By the treatment for children a accompanying programme for the mother is provided.